using pretty stuff


June 30, 2019

We moved a year ago and I still feel a little lost in my new neighborhood. We left a tight knit, loving bunch of neighbors who we had called friends. Our old house had many garden beds and over the 18 years we were there, we had added many trees, bushes and countless perennials. This is only my second spring here in our new house and since we are renting, I can only do so much. I planted a bunch a seeds in May and now they are flowering. I leave many in their spot to enjoy from our patio but I always make sure to have a bouquet of flowers on the table!

This vase was one of my first thrift finds a decade ago. It isn’t any rare or valuable thing but it is so perfect for a bouquet of flowers. I probably paid 2 dollars! It is Lego- (The Japanese ceramic company, not the Swedish toy maker!) and probably from the 50’s. I look for mid-century Japanese ceramics because although they are common, they are usually very lovely, well made and kitschy. This one seems to have saints or popes! My favorite vases are used over and over in our home and I always default to this one! I have some Japanese ceramics for sale in my Etsy shop including a smaller version of this exact vase!

One of the things I love about our new house is sitting on the porch in the morning with a cup of coffee. What a simple pleasure. Perhaps I will invite one of my new neighbors over! Thanks for reading. Have a beautiful day!