using pretty stuff

Use Pretty Stuff! Today!

July 22, 2019

My mom would take out her best china cups at Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving only. When I grew up and got real furniture and started collecting nice dishes and cups, I did the same thing. I would never think to use the Johnson Brothers Ironstone vegetable bowl for anything but a Very Special Occasion. Maybe a christening or Christmas but never on a regular day or even a casual get together. It didn’t matter that I got the whole set for 15 bucks or even that I LIKED using those nice pieces. It just seemed like something you didn’t do. I am not sure when exactly but at some point that started to shift and I found myself reaching for the nice china cups with my tea on an everyday basis and if I was making something for the family to share, I put it out on the table in a beautiful bowl. I started putting fruit in the milk glass bowls and using the right glass for my husband’s cocktail.

He’s so cute, he deserves more than a Mason jar!*

I found this mid century, 22 kt gold, Culver Martini set at my favorite thrift store. It was one of my bigger thift store purchases at $30 but I had to have it! The glasses are small but heavy and like the name implies, they can’t tip over. Definitely Mad Men era. Although we only use it occasionally, it just looks so pretty sitting on the shelf on a vintage Japanese tray, it was worth it! (My dog, Ziggy, does not appear to be impressed.)

I have a similar set for sale!

Everything tastes a little better in something pretty I think. Yes, occasionally something gets broken but really- why have it if you don’t at least sometimes use it? We had a summer get together recently on the hottest day I have ever experienced and I served berries in these vintage pressed glass bowls.

So what if we had to wash a few extra dishes!

Like a Maria Kondo of the 19th century, the great Arts and Crafts designer William Morris said, “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”

I have always thought about that quote and over the past few years have really let go of any household stuff that does not please me or work overtime for me. I don’t have to adore my cooking pot but if I am going to sit down and have a cup of coffee why not have it in a cup that just makes me happy.

It might require a small adjustment in your thinking but why not try using your pretty stuff today? Now, there is something to be said for saving some things for special occasions too- I still remember being so thrilled when the nice stuff came out at Thanksgiving and for sure, my mom’s china has lasted for decades and decades with such careful care. But thrift stores are filled with that beautiful glassware and china that was barely used and I for one plan on using it! I credit my mom for being my biggest influence in decorating and appreciating everyday beauty. Although she doesn’t use the stuff in the china closet, I think she is even pickier than I when it comes to her coffee cups!

*No offense if you like Mason jars! 🙂

Vintage Anchor hocking Milano pitcher and Iced Tea glasses